At the Interface of Biology
and Technology

We bring you an AI drug discovery methodology with the module-wise clinical trials so that the approach is focused...

Creating Scientific Cloud
Data Lakes

An AI-based drug discovery startup with utmost focus on creating pools of data lakes for easy accessibility and quick outcome...

Central Repo for all the
Reference Data

An opportunity to explore multiple data pool and put into actions. The data lakes ingeniously help create a central storage...

Human readable content

A guarantee of easy accessibility and readability for making reachability and scalability one step higher. Our meticulously...

Browse and search capabilities

An easy navigation track for the users to speed up the process of AI drug discovery for significant impact. With numerous data...

Self organising

Automated organising with little to no human effort. Managing and keeping up with updates is arduous in a space where...

Building Industry Leading
Structural Bioinformatics Solutions

Nostrum AI drug discovery process raises curtains to an efficient strategy in drug discovery for faster molecular trials and testing. We look forward to creating an unparalleled drug design that meets every quality of the industrial standards. In the process, we ensure that the AI algorithms are meticulously used for excellent output and transforming results.

Innovating the process of drug discovery to make the world and its people healthier, stronger, and wholesome.
Breakthrough techniques to make the treatment and health sector impactful with artificial intelligence.

Mission, Vision and Focus

At Visual Mine Pte Ltd., the parent company of Nostrum AI, we target an end to end hassle-free procedure for drug discovery. One of the strongest missions we hold is to automate every other step of the designing and development of the drugs.

On the other hand, our vision completely rests on enhancing the chances of a hundred per cent plausible result with the intricate design of patient-oriented drugs.

Build controls and security
for regulatory compliant applications

In order to strengthen drug discovery through AI, the necessity of adhering to regulatory-compliant applications arises correspondingly. Given the sensitivity of the domain and the structural changes it could bring, we have completely concreted the controls and security of guidelines, standards, and all other legal requirements.

Creating Value from the Data in the Data Lakes

In the findings of undefined schemas, we have created efficient paths to help you navigate through crisp and highly organized data. With steadfast revisions, we also ensure that documentation is always entrenched with the data provided.